The biggest reason you need more plant foods in your diet

Let's park the conversation about protein and start talking about fibre.

Fibre is a critically important nutrient in your day to day diet and one of the major benefits of whole plant foods. Fibre promotes healthy digestion, improves gut microbiome, helps reduce cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health, helps control blood sugar levels and diabetes. It can also really help weight management by keeping you fuller longer. According to the Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute (INDI), almost 80% of Irish adults do not eat enough fibre. 

Let's look at what we know about fibre so you can figure out whether you need to increase the amount in your diet.

About fibre:

  • Dietary fibre is the portion of plant-derived food that cannot be completely broken down by human digestive enzymes

  • It helps keep our digestive system healthy and prevent constipation.

  • It increases satiety which can help with weight management.

  • Acts as a bulking agent in the stool and keeps things moving in the digestive tract

  • It can serve as a fuel for beneficial bacteria living in the gut (prebiotic)

Types of fibre:

  • Soluble - partially digestible and helps balance blood sugar, reduce cholesterol and support normal bowel movements

  • Insoluble - indigestible fibre acts as a bulking agent in stool & may serve as fuel for beneficial bacteria

How much fibre do we need daily?

  • European recommendations are to consume at least 25g - 35g per day depending on age and gender for normal bowel movements

  • To reduce the risk of disease (such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, colorectal & breast cancer) more fibre would have to be consumed.

  • Due to heavily processed foods and an increase in animal food consumption, we are failing to meet the daily recommendations.

Where can I find fibre?

  • It is ONLY found in whole unrefined plant based foods

  • Best sources: Wholegrains, legumes (including dried/tinned beans, chickpeas, lentils), root vegetables (such as potatoes with skin)

  • Other sources: fruits & vegetables

6 benefits of a high fibre diet:

  • Promotes a healthy digestive system & regulates bowel movements

  • Can reduce risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and colon & breast cancer.

  • Can help keep you feeling fuller for longer and keep your blood sugar steady (no afternoon slump/cravings).

  • Eating high fibre foods can be an effective way to lose weight

  • May increase beneficial bacteria in the gut and enhance immune function 

  • May lessen heart disease risks by reducing the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream

Top tips:

  • Aim for three servings a day from wholegrains (barley, brown rice & oats)

  • Replace meat with legumes (black beans, chickpeas, lentils) a few meals a week

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day

  • Instead of mashed potatoes, bake your potato with the skin on.

  • Leave skins on fruit and vegetables. You often remove half the fibre when peeling fruit/veg

  • Use avocado or hummus instead of butter (1/2 avocado = 5 grams fibre)

  • Snack on berries, nuts and seeds

  • Bake with high-fibre flours (wholemeal)